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Popular Name(s): Nasturtium, Kappertjies
Botanical Name: Tropaeolum majus
Colours Available: Orange, Yellow
Breeder: Sittigs
Flowering Season: Spring and Summer
Planting Season: Spring
Light Requirement: Full sun
Temperature Requirement: Mild to hot
Plant Height: 20cm
Product Forms: Trays
CATEGORY: Edible Plants
Known for their sweet, peppery taste (both in the leaves and in the flowers), this plant has many uses. In fact, it is for its tangy taste that nasturtium gets its common name. It comes from the Latin "Nasus Tortus" meaning convulsed nose, referring to the faces people made when tasting the spicy plant.
Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) is considered to be a salad herb, a medicinal herb, and a tea herb. Nasturtium leaves have a peppery flavor and are a good addition to salads, and teas. The flower petals adds a lovely color and peppery flavor to salads. A herbal vinegar using this herb is popular for salads. The leaves are used in infustions to fight infections of the lung, reproductive and urinary tracts.
Plant Nasturtium in full sun and well-drained soil (add organic matter to improve heavy soils). Water plants deeply but infrequently, when the soil is almost dry. Prune in early spring or at harvest time. For low-growing varieties, trim back foliage 1 to 2 inches.